Children’s Homes In Thailand
Halfway House
We have just launched our new project in Chiang Rai – a halfway house.
Our new women’s shelter is for women who are newly released from prison and want to start afresh. They will be taught the word of God firstly and discipled into Gods care and love. Secondly, they will learn new skills to help find a good job with income. Pastor Aphichart and Yusa will oversee the women and they will attend his church.
The house is all set up and LAMB has paid rent. We are waiting on the women to attend. This is a safe refuge for women so we cannot disclose the address. Steve and Raelene will oversee it when in Chiang Rai Thailand. If you would like to partner with LAMB for this project, please click below.
The children in Thailand who are at risk are brought to the homes with permission from their parents or guardian. If possible we try to look at other alternatives for the children to stay in the family unit – maybe a close & responsible relative, but if there is no-one available, then the child is placed in a loving home environment. We try to keep the homes smaller so they have a family atmosphere. There are 4 children’s homes that Lamb International supports. We are happy to announce that 2 of these homes are now self-sufficient so presently we only financially support 2 homes.
Thailand has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world.

Faith Home
Faith Home was established in February of 2012. We were approached by the parents who were both in prison that their large family were struggling in a poor, remote village. We set out to find out about this situation. There were eleven (of fourteen) children, all parentless, with no money, no food, no clothes, no education and were at high risk in the drug & alcohol affected community. We decided the best thing to do was to get the children out of the village. We would house them, educate them & put loving Thai Christian carers in to look after them, keeping them all together as one family. Thus nine (all the younger ones) of the fourteen children in this family came to this new home.
We got approval from their parents in jail, found a Christian family to care for them and a house to rent for them all. Money was given so that we could set them up.
We have a married couple as our Thai carers at this home. The husband finished his job as a delivery driver to help his wife with all the children. They have their own family of two girls & a boy.
Six – nearly seven years on, they are still doing an amazing work with all the children. They sing with them and pray for them every night and the children’s hearts have changed and have softened as they feel the love of Jesus. The transformation is wonderful to see. They continue to grow physically but also spiritually, knowing they are loved and cared for. Two of the older children have now left this home and are happily working. The children are flourishing as they are educated and have a clear vision of their future.
Housing constructions have begun at Faith Home. One home is for the manager and we are also building a new kitchen. After these are completed we will rebuild the home for the children.
Faith Home – April 2023 Update
Faith Home is doing very well and prospering.
Faith Home was set up over 11 years ago to rescue 9 children from one family. In that time, we have seen the older teens (at that time) now married with their own children. The younger boys have grown up and now most have jobs as they have completed their schooling. All these original kids have left Faith Home now. The other children (unrelated) who are 3 sisters have been located back to their parents also. The two remaining boys and 1 sister (all cousins) will remain at the home so we will still give minimal support for these children remaining, but we cease to call it a ‘children’s home’. It will just be a family looking after an extra 2 boys and 1 girl. Steve & I love them and we will continue to live with them when we are in Thailand and bring teams over. L.A.M.B will continue to be operational in different areas of ministry providing spiritual support.
I will personally contact the sponsors of these original children to see their future intentions.
Their crops on the farm are plentiful & the pigs have multiplied again having 20 babies recently. They work hard on the farm and all are doing well & we honour them for all they do.
Eden Home
Eden Home is supported by a Pastor and his lovely wife. They have nine children that they care for. These children do not have any family that can responsibly care for them. Most of these children are now teenagers.
The Pastor also cares for an aged & disabled home, a church and does prison ministry and hospital ministry.
Both Homes are under Foundations in Thailand approved by the Thai government.
Eden Home – April 2023 Update
Most of the children in Eden Home came when they were very young. This home was established in 2008. So most of the children have now married, got degrees with steadfast jobs or further studying so residing at the home.
Eden Home has seen Nula continuing Bible college. She is back in Bangkok Christian University in her second year. She is doing very well in her studies and is enjoying it. Pastor Aphichart’s son has opened a new restaurant, so some children are learning skills cooking and waiting on tables. This also gives them a small income while studying. Chadchai is continuing at university studying mechanics and is very handy at doing jobs around town. Bytong, Sitichai & Jing-Jung are still studying at school nearby.
It’s wonderful to see them maturing into sweet and kind men and women of God. They currently house eight teens.
Success Stories
There are many success stories to tell about children in Thailand.
One story in particular is about a young girl who was not loved. She came to one of the homes when she was about 12 years old with no education. She never smiled and was deeply burdened. Her mother despised her and made her do chores all day and look after the little ones. She told her daily how much she disliked her making comments of how ugly she was.
When she came to our Home she was put into a local Thai school and started at grade one. She is now completing grade nine. She is told every day how much God loves her and cares for her and how special she is. She wants to be a missionary so next year will go to Bible College and learn English. She smiles every day knowing she will make a difference in this world.
Future Growth
We are looking to expand Lamb by starting a halfway house for the prisoners who are serious about their commitment with God. We will house them, feed them and teach them skills to earn a good income. They will also be discipled and trained well so they can give back to their society.
Another story is about a young girl who was an orphan. Her uncle looked after her but he drank what little money he had. When Gee (not real name) developed an infection in her eye, he didn’t get her any treatment or medication so she lost the sight in her eye. She was later taken to one of our Homes and was later sponsored. She went to university and got her bachelor. She met a wonderful Christian pastor and married him. They now have two beautiful girls and they both run a children’s home together making a difference in young lives too. You can also be the change and sponsor and change the life of a child. Know that you can count in the lives of others.
A new child has come to our orphanage. Somphorn (not real name) was unwanted. He was unwanted at birth because his mother was a teenager, so he was adopted out. His new father went to jail and his new mother had children to many different fathers. So she decided to send Somphorn to another family, as she couldn’t look after him nor feed him. This new family loved him but also started a new family of their own and then didn’t want him. Rejection set in upon Somphorn. He felt so lonely and unwanted. We all decided that Somphorn needed security, love and hope for a future. He came to one of Lamb International’s children’s homes. After 6 months he has settled in really well. He has new brothers and sisters who love him and care for him. The staff love him deeply and he has learnt that God has a wonderful future for him.
Sponsor a child. Change a life.
How You Can Get Involved
Contact Us to get Involved and visit Charity Involvement to learn more about how you can make a difference.
Hospital Ministry
We pray for the sick in the local private hospital. We have seen many come to Christ and many healed.
Prison Ministries
We encourage prisoners in the prisons. This year we started visiting the juveniles in prison – both girls and boys to encourage them in their walk with God. We have seen many saved and are excited to work further with these teens when they are released. Most of these prisoners are struggling financially so they made poor choices. Most are soft, sensitive and open to the gospel. We love them through Christ, who transforms their lives.
Village Work
As we are passionate about people so we love to share the gospel and pray for people in remote villages. These villages are often very poor and have basic needs only. They welcome us with open arms which us so beautiful to see. A lot of these villages are remote and most people do not speak Thai but their own tribal language. There are many different tribes in Thailand so it is very important for the children to get a good education in a Thai school to obtain a good job. This breaks the poverty cycle. You can change a village forever by supporting Lamb International. This year we took loads of bras to the women in the villages to give back dignity.
Thailand Statistics And Who We Have Helped
- Approximately 8% of Thailand’s 64 million people live in poverty. This figure is only a rough estimate and a further 20% are vulnerable that they could fall back into the poverty cycle.
- Some 4 million people work in the sex trade as exploitation. Most don’t want to be there but many have resigned to the fact that this will be what they do for quite some time. Most of these women are not Thai. They are migrants attracted to this scene to flee conditions of poverty and abuse only to find themselves abused again.
- In Thailand we have rescued many girls who were at risk of being sent into this trade. We have fed hundreds of children until they were safe to leave to get jobs or marry. We have preached in different villages helping hundreds of people bringing hope, prayer, salvation and food. We have ministered to thousands of inmates and around one hundred of juveniles each week. We unite with other ministries and join arms locking in to end poverty and abuse to all.
- At present we only feed 20 children but our compass is much larger. We want to expand to build a half-way house for the juveniles so when they are released they will be in a safe environment not going back to old habits. This is important as approximately up to 70% of inmates go back to jail within 3 years because their crime cycle was not ended properly.
Will you join with us to expand our picture and help these teens?