LAMB International Charity
Love And Mercy Beyond.
Help Us Change the Lives of Children in Thailand

Children at risk in Thailand are placed in a loving home environment where they are taken care of. LAMB International supports four children’s homes.

LAMB International supports an orphanage that houses over sixty children in Uganda, with a well that provides clean water for the community.

Charity Involvement
It costs money to run homes. There are many expenses such as food, petrol, salaries for staff and education for the children. Sponsor a child or make a donation today.
How You Can Get Involved
Call +61 409 273 931 to Donate Or Contact Us to get Involved. You can also purchase necessities for the children by clicking here.
Why We Do What We Do
“I once heard a story of a little boy who found many star fish washed up on a beach struggling to survive. One by one, he picked up each star fish to throw it back in the water so it would live. An older man walked by and said “You’re never going to make a difference. There are so many star fish. What does it matter?” The little boy picked up another star fish and threw it back in the ocean. He said “it matters to this one.” I never forgot that story. We at Lamb International may not be able to help everyone, but we can help some.”
~ Raelene.
Did You Know ...
- Approximately 8% of Thailand’s 64 million people live in poverty.
- 854,000 Thai people are living with HIV and AIDS
- In Thailand, some 4 million people work in the sex trade as exploitation.
- Thailand has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world.
- 1 in 4 children under 5 are malnourished in Uganda
- Nearly 13% of developing countries are undernourished.
- Half the world live on less than $2.50 a day
For As Little As $50 A Month, You Can Sponsor A Child In Thailand
Making A Difference Since 2006
Children Rescued From Poverty and Abuse
Homes Built
LAMB’s Stories
Somboon lost her father when she was about 5 years old. She can remember them coming to school to say that her father had an accident and had died. She was shocked. From that day on her whole life turned around. Her mother had a tiny newborn and could not work. Now there was no money, income or ways to support, feed or educate the children. Somboon was placed in a children’s orphanage where they could support her financially & help her study. Somboon was angry, confused and grieving. She moved from orphanage to orphanage and became more insecure and angry. When I met her, I offered her to be placed in one of my Homes with her siblings and her mother so they could be reunited and one family again. Her mother could help the other children and cook. We all agreed this would be good. Every night we prayed for them and Somboon started to let go of her anger as God healed her and comforted her. He restored hope to her and she became joyous. She gave her life to God entirely and joined the worship team. She is a beautiful example at how God heals the inside and how His love knows no bounds.
Thailand Success Story
Prasert’s father had been sent to prison. His mother died giving birth to him. Prasert was tossed to and fro in his small village for someone to look after him. He had no family who wanted him. When we found him he was lonely, hungry, tired and grieving. We took him to one of our homes and he received shelter and food but more importantly love, comfort and healing. He cried for two days as he could not speak Thai or go to school. After he settled, he started going to school where he learnt Thai so he can get a good job when he finishes school. Most tribal villages only speak their tribal language and if they are not educated they will not be able to get a job as they cannot speak or write Thai.
Somsak was very sick. He lived in a very poor village with little food and only one set of clothes which he wore constantly. His house was a bamboo shelter with a dirt floor. He slept on a raised bamboo bed but he became malnourished and ill. He had no parents, only older siblings looking after him. The family had no money for medications or to see a doctor so he was left undiagnosed. They hoped he would get better. He started bleeding out of his nose and mouth. When we rescued him we took him to the doctor. The doctor said that he had tuberculosis and malnourishment. He would have died within the next two days if we did not rescue him. He is very happy now with his siblings in our home. (Names have been changed)

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